Monday, June 16, 2008

side effect

we're 150 miles from the 'roo, at a gas station, & I get back into the
car-and smell pot.

its the gift of bonnaroo that just keeps on givin.

the end of the 'roo

bonnaroo 08 is over. hope is excited to get home & take a shower, & I
(sam) am depressed to the point of tears that the 'roo greatness must

over the past 4 days, we've seen over 40 shows, watched the sun rise
with 80,000 other people, breathed enough 2nd hand smoke to develop
lung cancer before 30, met rock stars, didn't shower-and listened to
some absolutely amazing music!

i'll update the blog with a review of all the banda we saw. there
were some new faves (tiesto, ladytron, lupe fiasco), some great
rockers (rilo kiley, metallica, the raconteurs), & some better left
forgotten (the sword). overall, I am completely overwhelmed by the
fact that now I can say i've seen robert plant, bb king, pearl jam,
adele, death cab, & jack white live.

let the happy an sad tears come.

rockin out of the 'roo-

Sunday, June 15, 2008

it's official

the 'roo is smelly. after 4 days of intense heat, rain, fog, and oh
yeah, 80,000 people, the 'roo has a funk. everything smells-cars,
venues, booths, camelbaks, people-we've got the funk.

but death cab is today. and a funky disco group called ladytron that I
want to check out. so, we're partying on-even as the smelly kids.

an open letter to kanye west

dear kanye,

showing up 2 hours late to your show is rude. never apologizing, or
even talking to the audience, is an unforgivable offense here in the
south. your momma needs to slap you upside yo head.

not honored that you even showed up for the 'roo greatness,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

the 'roo dictionary

'not so much green!'

'roo saying/expression

definition: what you say when you enter a vacant (green sign)
port-a-potty, only to find it occupied & in use. usually accompanies
flailing hand motions & humiliation.


skin cancer, party of one...

and yes, i did wear sunscreen

i can die a very happy girl now

drive by truckers


the raconteurs

rilo kiley

chris rock


my morning jacket

and finally, up til 4am dancin to the best techno spinning ever, tiesto